September 19th, 1997 – The ‘Boat Movie’s’ Competitor Arrived! (HAPPY TWENTIETH BIRTHDAY TO A FILM NOIR CLASSIC)

The so-called ‘Boat Movie’ as it came to be known was released in December of the same year and went on – for a time – to become the biggest worldwide box office hit of all time. When the Academy Awards rolled around in 1998, the blockbuster Titanic’ was considered to have one major competitor when Read More …

Savannah – A Crowe’s Point Movie Adaptation of ‘Laura’: Chapter Ten

All she could see was him. Through all the dozens of people crowded into the spacious apartment, amidst the cacophony of voices, she could see him, hear him, and almost imagine that it was the two of them alone, away from all this Hell, away in their own world. It was possible she kept repeating Read More …

April 7th, 1964

And a Happy Birthday to a man of many faces…

Savannah – A Crowe’s Point Movie Adaptation of ‘Laura’: Part Eight

By now the rain seemed even harder. Bud groaned to himself while he, Zach Grant and a recently returned John Biebe sat in their unmarked car, figuring the fogged windows would provide a cover, but praying they still had a view of those under surveillance. Across the street – also parked – was another sedan, Read More …

Savannah – A Crowe’s Point Adaptation of ‘Laura’: Part Six

The rain came out of nowhere, considering the entire day had been fairly clear, but when it arrived, it was a torrent, accompanied by the appropriate high winds and an occasional flash of lightning. John Biebe recognized Wendell White’s walk before the lieutenant was even close, catching sight of the white trench coat as he Read More …

Prelude – a Crowe’s Point Story (from the days when it was still the Crowe’s Nest): Part Four

Although written some time following the original story, this is considered a Prequel to By Way of Introduction, which can be found at and takes place in late May of the year 2000 – the month which saw the release of the movie, Gladiator. In all his months there, the sheriff had never seen Read More …

Savannah – A Crowe’s Point Movie Adaptation of ‘Laura’: Part Five

“Hello….Mosconi’s? This is Lieutenant Wendell White, Homicide Bureau….Yes, that’s right….Yes…tragic. Look…I have a couple of questions for you, if you have a moment?” Monday morning, and Bud had returned to the Hunt apartment for another day’s investigation. It was also the first time he had been able to view things in the brilliance of day, Read More …