Construction Progress

Just a little note to summarize the activity that has been taking place here. If you visited before we had our disastrous and catastrophic unfortunate meltdown hiccough, you might recognize some of the posts that we’ve reposted. This is in part for archiving purposes, as our new stories are setting up for an eventual page of their own once they are complete; and the other part because there were some great things that we wanted to talk about in May and…well…hiccoughs cause a person to repeat themselves. But for a couple of items, I believe we are now looking forward to June with new material that we hope you enjoy.


Also, and this is definitely a work in progress, there will be a continuation of bringing into the fold the “Old” stories that used to be on Gaslight. This will be a slower process, as formatting is necessary to make the documents easier to access and read. The wonderful thing about WordPress has been the plethora of “plugins” (or apps) that facilitate not only the construction of the site, but the manner in which the site can become more user-friendly. But transference does take a bit of time. So, please check in with our Library pages when you get a chance, as well as our Crossroads page.


Crossroads is set up for those stories that do not easily fit, either within our formatting or within the Alternate Universe of the Point, and/or were not part of the original library of the Gaslight in its history. We hope to expand Crossroads into some interesting intersections in the future.


Our gallery is getting updated as well, so be sure to check it out!


Meanwhile, do visit us in our blog posts, as the four of us update and chronicle those things that interest here at Gaslight. And if you like a story or a post, please please PLEASE consider leaving a kind comment for the author of the piece.


Signing off,


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