Not THAT Gladiator…Gladiator!

There once was a movie called Gladiator…but it’s not the one you’re thinking about. 

It was released in 1992 and starred Oscar winner Cuba Gooding, Jr., Brian Dennehy, Robert Loggia and James Marshall (better known as James on a little TV show called Twin Peaks). Which was why – in 2000 – when I started hearing about Gladiator, I was wondering why on Earth somebody was intending to re-release an 8-year-old boxing movie. Or make a sequel. I may have seen part of it, but I’d never swear to it. I do vaguely remember thinking “Wow. This could be a comedown for James Marshall” considering Twin Peaks is not only one of my all-time favorite TV shows but is still considered one of the greatest TV series ever. The Keeper can’t wait until season 3 is revived in a few weeks! 

And at this point, we’re finished talking about Gladiator 1992 as well as Twin Peaks

It’s time to get back to celebrating the anniversary of the ‘real’ Gladiator

A fan-made trailer:

Japanese release poster

The Japanese Release Poster


                       Gladiator Movie Poster by Adam0000





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