Just Because!
Because someone posted this to YouTube a few days ago. Here’s hoping it stays up for a while.
Because someone posted this to YouTube a few days ago. Here’s hoping it stays up for a while.
I had to laugh. I started researching the various actors who have played Robert Louis Stevenson’s titular characters, and the following appeared before anything else: We have from left to right Mark Ruffalo, Lou Ferrigno, Edward Norton, Eric Bana and Bill Bixby. No, they haven’t played Jekyll or Hyde as far as I know, but Read More …
With the release of the new The Mummy trailer, Russell Crowe’s Doctor Jekyll utters one of the greatest lines in the annals of monster movie history. https://youtu.be/9qG-E7jnxvg?t=1m57s In 1935, James Whale directed what is – to your Keeper, a bit of a rarity, that is, a sequel which was greater than or equal to the Read More …
First, we have Nick Fury, one-time director of the government agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D. And we have Samuel (get those m***** f****** snakes off my m***** f***** plane) L. Jackson as he was seen as Fury in Captain America: Winter Soldier. On the right, we have Russell Crowe as Doctor Henry Jekyll, the head of a Read More …
This contains several of the trailers combined into one, including the most recent with the Dr. Jekyll reveal lots of people are talking about. In reading some of the most current YouTube comments, moviegoers who were ho-hum about the movie a week or two ago, are saying Russell Crowe’s Jekyll and Hyde may get them Read More …
Nope. He no longer is, according to these recent images and video which have now hit the Internet for the upcoming Universal Studios’ reboot of The Mummy. The June release is the first in what they’re claiming will be a reintroduction to the world of the Golden Age Universal Monsters (you know, The Mummy, Frankenstein’s Monster, Read More …