Savannah – A Crowe’s Point Movie Adaptation of ‘Laura’: Part Eight

By now the rain seemed even harder. Bud groaned to himself while he, Zach Grant and a recently returned John Biebe sat in their unmarked car, figuring the fogged windows would provide a cover, but praying they still had a view of those under surveillance. Across the street – also parked – was another sedan, Read More …

‘Useless’ Trivia – Plus ‘That’s No Way To Hold a Gun’ and The Neverending Debate (Kirk v. Picard)

My thanks and full credit to IMDB, because this moderator has only seen bits and pieces of this movie.

December 20th, 1996

More than a year following its’ 1995 Japanese release, the Frank Cappello directed No Way Back was released in the United States. Co-starring the still little known (to American audiences) Crowe was a better known Helen Slater, who’s biggest roles to that point had been playing the titular character in 1984’s Supergirl, as well as the comedies Ruthless Read More …