Website News

This is just a brief note for everyone who has been visiting our page: welcome and thank you for coming! We hope you like what you are finding here. As mentioned in a much earlier post, this site/blog/archive is a Work In Progress as we bring old stories out of mothballs and reinstate them in new pages, as well as new stories by ourselves: me (Sharon), Tina, Taffey, and Joan. We also try to incorporate more dovetail items that have either some relevance or connection to Russell’s past movies (as well as new ones) or are of just plain interest to us and inspire us to write the stories that we do. So please, continue to check us out. We’ve set a goal of adding new content at least 2-3 days during the week, perhaps more when we really get inspired.


There are several areas that we’ve updated in the last few weeks: in our Lagniappe (which means “a little extra”) section, Tina and I have listed links to articles/websites that we came across that remind us of one of Russell’s characters, or a situation in one of the Point stories, as well as informational items that we thought interesting in light of Russell’s upcoming movie (2017) “The Mummy.” Since Chloe is an archaeologist, and Tina a huge fan of the Original Mummy with Boris Karloff, neither one of us could resist the linkage that you will find in Lagniappe now. As I said, it’s a “little extra” to entertain yourselves with.


Taffey has been reinstating a few of her “old stories” in her page under the Tavern, which is where all our new stories will be archived. She has brought a new lady to the Point and we hope she likes it there. Continue to check up in the Tavern for more of her stories, as she has a rich archive of things she’s written in the past.


The archive for the “original” stories to the Gaslight, the ones that the fans are probably more familiar with, are stored in The Library. This will take a bit longer to fill out, as many of the stories are in different formats that have to be ‘translated’ into a readable type here in our site.  Much of the Library archives are now considered “ancient history,” – rich, informative, wonderfully written, but not even the Point has escaped the vagaries of time and tide, so if you look for the same people to show up in the Tavern that are now in the Library, you may or may not be disappointed. As with all things and people, some things have simply moved on.


Our blog will have as many updates as we can think to include, as well as the place where any new chapters for new stories will appear. If you happen to catch a story in the middle, you can find the previous posts listed under the author name in the Tavern.


Once again, thank you so much for visiting our site and we hope you will return. If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to write in the comments. Feedback is love!


Best regards,


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