
In continuance of our efforts to update and add more content, I should point out that the Gallery has several albums from a number of Russell’s films. Not only does Taffey have a wonderful library to add to our site, she is our gallery “librarian.” She has been uploading pics as she finds them in her own archives as she is able, so keep checking back with us.


I’ve done a bit of rearranging of pages on Lagniappe, as well as adding some more stories to our Library. There is one particular resident at the Point that has a Real World connection but has become a vital part of the Point’s community, and that is Anthony Girardeau, a former priest (not unlike a certain gunslinger we all know), and a medical doctor who has his own story to tell how he ended up in a haven like the Point. He also bears a striking resemblance to someone that Maximus knows, which caused a great number of tense moments at first. His story, and his ultimate connection at the Point, are chronicled in Stephanie’s pages.


There will soon be a completion of the page “What is the Point?” The intent there is to hopefully give a better idea of what we have in mind in our stories when we write, as well as the perspective taken when describing what happens when all these characters intermingle.


Until next time…

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