Gaslight Historic Date – Or Sometimes It’s Just As Easy To Find A Movie Scene

England. Runnymede on the Thames. The year is 1215 and the date is the fifteenth of June.

John Plantagenet, the youngest surviving son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, and brother to Richard the Lion-Heart sits on the throne of England. John’s been having issues: with the Church, with his nobles, and according to legend, with that darn Robin Hood.  

Today is a momentous day in English history…and let’s hit the brakes!  

We could sit here and go point by point thru the various facts and history involved in the signing of the Magna Carta by King John of England, a document considered one of the greatest written in Western Civilization, a document which formed a type of foundation for such as the Declaration of Independence or the United States Constitution. 

Or we could find a “this is sort of what happened” fictionalized movie moment from Ridley Scott’s 2010 Robin Hood and run with that. Yeah! Let’s do that!  We bring you the “kind of a Magna Carta” scene from Robin Hood. Thanks, YouTube! 

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