Library Archive Updates

Since it has been a while since I’ve ventured back into the Library holdings, I thought I’d take advantage of a lull to upload more stories from our old archives, stories that were part of the original world-building of Crowe’s Point. The authors and Alter Egos in these stories have long since left Gaslight, but we have their permission to keep them as integral parts of our site’s history. While the ‘rules’ established by these writers have not been forgotten, it can be rightfully said that they are part of the archives as well. Our current writers are establishing their own world-building as relates to the stories they wish to tell and so any disparities you might find are because things are evolving.

If you took time to read the one story by Laura that was posted under her page, you will find that story, along with two others, have been uploaded to separate documents in our Scribd account. I’ve set up the stories in chronological order with links. The third story introduces the Point’s doctor who bears an uncanny resemblance to a personage that Maximus finds very disturbing. 

Archives were also uploaded for Roberta (At The Point, Is This The Answer?, The Stranger, & The Wolf of Rome) and Karen (A Crusade For Mandy). Grab a drink, tuck yourself into your favorite reading cubby, and enjoy! 

~ Sharon ~

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