Karloff the Uncanny Goes For a Little Walk!

On December 22nd, 1932, Universal Studios premiered The Mummy starring Boris Karloff and a cast which included Zita Johann, David Manners, and Edward Van Sloan (also of Frankenstein). Directed by Karl Freund who not only made his directorial debut but had cut his teeth as cinematographer to the great Fritz Lang on the classic science-fiction movie Metropolis, the screenplay Read More …

The Dark Universe Begins!

As the United States release date for The Mummy fast approaches, we are beginning to see more about Universal Studio’s plans for their Dark Universe, which is supposed to resurrect – so to speak – their classic monsters of the Golden Age. There’s a lot of speculation going on (figures), and of course, I’m wondering how many Read More …

To a New World…

With the release of the new The Mummy trailer, Russell Crowe’s Doctor Jekyll utters one of the greatest lines in the annals of monster movie history.  https://youtu.be/9qG-E7jnxvg?t=1m57s In 1935, James Whale directed what is – to your Keeper, a bit of a rarity, that is, a sequel which was greater than or equal to the Read More …

Nick Fury – Meet Doctor Jekyll, Mr. Hyde…and a Universe of Gods and Monsters **contains some spoilers and language**

First, we have Nick Fury, one-time director of the government agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D. And we have Samuel (get those m***** f****** snakes off my m***** f***** plane) L. Jackson as he was seen as Fury in Captain America: Winter Soldier. On the right, we have Russell Crowe as Doctor Henry Jekyll, the head of a Read More …